Akaki Tsereteli State University
Among the faculties of Akaki Tsereteli State University, the Faculty of Medicine is one of the youngest but distinguished by diverse academic programs, implementation of joint programs, indicators of internationalization, the existence of a new faculty complex, interesting student projects and diverse extracurricular activities. The Faculty of Medicine, as a constituent part of the University, was established in 1995 and it fully realizes and recognizes the mission, vision and core values of the University. In 2014, the Faculty of Medicine of Akaki Tsereteli State University became a member.
The English structured Department of Basic, Preclinical and Clinical Medicine provides academic support for one cycle English structured education program of Medical Doctor. In the mentioned department, the appropriately qualified and experienced academic staff is engaged in pedagogical activities, including: 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 2 Assistant Professors. Besides, the leading specialists of the field from the city hospital sector are actively involved in the teaching process of the study courses.
Administration pays a great attention to the professional development of its academic and invited staff. There are regularly conducted the renewing training courses, seminars, trainings in methodology of high medical education.
The program implementers are actively engaged in the educational and research activities, the participation rate in the international conferences and congresses is high. There is an increased number of staff, participating in the international scientific research activities with the support of the faculty, the leading medical – diagnostic facilities of the city health care service provider are involved in its implementation.
Students acquire clinical skills in the center equipped with modern mannequins and simulators at the faculty. The program assures all kinds of the student-oriented environment with suggesting the numerous services and supports the students to be involved in the ongoing process at the University.
Main features of the GAU MD curriculum are:
- Partly integrated core curriculum with both vertical and horizontal integration
- Increasing number of electives over the years of study
- A body-system approach – integrated system-based courses address the major body systems
- Courses of Problem- and Case-based learning
- Spiral model of the curriculum that allows reviewing key basic topics in more depth
- Early exposure to clinical settings and mastering clinical skills throughout the 6 years
- Longitudinal research skills teaching
- Social and public health including Medical Ethics, Behavioral Medicine, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine, Health Law, Healthcare management
- Student-oriented approach with increasing role of independent study
- Relevant assessment methods based on Miller’s pyramid model including traditional (oral/written) examinations, MCQ testing, OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) and portfolio
- Meeting requirements set out in Global standards of undergraduate medical education of World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)
- Clinical training components of the study program are implemented through agreements with a number of medical clinics and hospitals